"once you find the life you love, you have to find the courage to live it." ~John Irving

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Second 5k of the season

The last week has featured wonderful weather here in the Lakes Region.  Bright sunshine and cool breezes have been the highlight of our days.  With that, the fire danger has creeped up and brush fires have been popping up everywhere.  The black flies have also made their return with a vengeance.  John has been hard at work on a screen cover for the running stroller to Grayson from getting chewed up on our runs.  The picture to the right is from this past week as the moon started to set as the sun was coming up.

I joined up with Megan to run another 5k.  We did the Barrington Peeper 5k which we also ran last year.  It's a pretty course that winds out and back through a small neighborhood.  It was going to be my first 5k with the jogging stroller, but both John and Grayson have been sharing a cold.  They stayed home while Mom took to the roads.  I shaved off several minutes from my dismal performance back at the beginning of April.  By my watch I finished at 31.46 and probably could've done just a bit faster if I had put my mind to it.  But I felt good and managed to run the entire course because there were no steep hills like I had encountered in the last race.

Also started planning for the second annual Barnstead Firefighters Association 5k.  I secured permission to use the road from the select board.  Next our sponsor letters will go out and I am going to get started on pictures for our t shirt.  I am hoping to boost sponsorship this year by targeting more local businesses.  Who knew we had so many businesses right here in town.

Heading into another busy week and already looking forward to next weekend.  At least the weeks fly right by...hopefully the boys will shake their colds and Mom will avoid getting it!

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