"once you find the life you love, you have to find the courage to live it." ~John Irving

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

997 to go

One very sad little dog.
I have hit some major accomplishments as of late.  I zipped up my prebaby winter coat without an issue.  I was able to actually wear sneakers and made it on our walk at a steady pace.  I didn't even have to stop to catch my breath so to speak.  I have also been able to play in the yard with our very depressed puppy dog.  And today I plan to start my mileage countdown for 2013.  I am still not ready to get back to running, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Today I am planning on walking a whole two miles and I am planning on doing it wearing Grayson and dealing with the beast on a leash.

My knitting projects continue and hopefully I will finish this pair of socks by the end of the week.  I have found a neat little pattern to use up all of my sock yarn scraps.  There are only so many pairs of little mittens I can handle.  So the pattern will eventually make what is called the beekeeper's quilt.  Each square is in the shape of a hexagon.  And since this year is using up what's in the yarn basket...and well there are a lot of leftover scraps of sock yarn from the years living here.

Grayson continues to thrive even though he has decided he hates breast feeding, but I keep making him attempt it.  He went out with us for sushi last night and did really well.  He would've done even better if I had timed feedings right and he would've slept through the entire meal.  Next time....

Happy to report it was 3 miles....only 997 to go for this year.

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