"once you find the life you love, you have to find the courage to live it." ~John Irving

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Save the DATE!

Made contact with the director of last year's Barnstead Old Home Day 5k.  Old Home Day has already been cancelled this year due to lack of volunteers, but the race was a big hit and should be an annual event.  So the Barnstead Firefighters Association is looking into hosting it this summer.  Save the date for Aug 25.  We are in the preliminary stages, but it will be full steam ahead once we get the selectmen's approval.  I look forward to putting together my first 5k! It's going to be a morning run and will be followed by a pancake breakfast that will be open to anyone!  It's a flat out and back 5k course along the Parade as it winds along the Suncook River.  Great family run too!

The little dog and I have been on two runs together this week.  We have been forced from our normal loop due to pudding thick mud that is well over 8 inches deep in some spots.  Yay for living on a dirt road that is poorly maintained.  I actually witnessed two vehicles get stuck yesterday in the mess.  One call to the road agent and the problem is being worked on. The little dog looks much better white than she does half brown.

Today she got all excited when we pulled into the fire station.  It's one of our favorite spots in town. And she has learned that if she goes inside she just may get a cookie or at the very least some attention.  She was not disappointed, but quickly informed them not to ever confuse a pretzel for a cookie.  We were quickly off on our run and made some good time today.  Having some IT band issues around my left knee, but hopefully that will work itself out with rolling and stretching.  I do have new sneakers so that may be the problem until they are broken in and my legs are used to them.  

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