"once you find the life you love, you have to find the courage to live it." ~John Irving

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Just Another Saturday

Yesterday was "ice out" on the Big Lake.  Lake Winnipesaukee that is.  Very early in the season for ice out to be declared.  Basically it means the M/S Mt. Washington can travel to all of her ports around the lake.  Temps started falling with a gusty breeze during the afternoon.  Spent my Friday evening cutting fireline with the fire explorers and finished up packing for the big trip today.  It was an off day from running because my legs needed some rest before hiking.

Got up early to head for the Whites specifically to Agiocohook which is the Native American word for Washington.  The first person to ever reach it's summit was Darby Field in 1642 and it wasn't until 210 years later that the Tip Top House was built on the summit.  Interestingly enough the Native Americans did not hike to the summits of our beautiful mountains because they believed that was where the great spirits lived and it was not wise to disturb the great spirits.  

I took my first spring trip up to Tuckerman's Ravine last spring and quite enjoyed the experience.  I actually enjoyed it more than summer hiking.  No bugs to deal with and no rocks to roll my already injury prone ankle on.   Except today we had very little snow and some ice to deal with along the way.  Lots of rocks and lots of bugs as well!  So with my new pack we set off for yet another adventure in Pinkham Notch.  

The weather started off overcast and we even had 10 seconds of sprinkles.  But once we got to HoJos the weather cleared up and we had sun for most of the afternoon.  We avoided the bowl of Tux due to the rapidly deteriorating conditions and potential ice falls.  We headed over to Hillman's highway and were rewarded with good conditions and fewer people.  I got to take my little red sled on it's maiden voyage and I was suddenly 10 years old again.  Remind me tomorrow when I can't move due my repeated trips up and down!  

All in all we had a wonderful day...except when Nancy and Janet wandered off and were gone for about 40 minutes.  Just as we were about to start loading their stuff into our packs, we received a text from Nancy that they had somehow managed to miss the trail link and were frolicking like otters in the snow.

My only regret of the day was that I didn't take my sled and ride down as far as I could on the Sherburne Trail.  Now that would've been EPIC!

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