"once you find the life you love, you have to find the courage to live it." ~John Irving

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Peyton Place

Today is our first run of the spring.  We'll be doing the Gilmanton 5k up in the Corners.  Yes little Gilmanton New Hampshire otherwise known as Peyton Place.  If you haven't read the book, it's actually a decent read.  Back when it was first released it caused a firestorm in this small New Hampshire town and was a banned book in many libraries across the nation for it's racy and scandalous topics.

It's also been five years to the day that  we first moved into our little home here in Barnstead NH.  It was a valiant search that ended in the selection of what I consider the most perfect place for us.  We started our home search in October of 2006 and told our realtor what we were looking for; we didn't want to be house poor, we wanted something post and beam, preferably a log cabin, and we definitely wanted to avoid Barnstead.  It just sounded like a hick town!  We saw houses in Pittsfield, Alton, Gilford, Gilmanton. and several caught our attention.  We looked at the cutest little place with seasonal views of Alton Bay several times, but it didn't have a septic system (I know, sketchy) and the main beam was an old tree.  But it had those seasonal views of the Big Lake and a guest house...it also didn't have a driveway!   And I  will admit that I was head over heels in love with it.  I also didn't mention that it had been part of the Alton Bay Christian Conference Center...yup the same one that lost over 40 homes to fire a few years ago.

When we chose our house, I had been following in on Northern New England Real Estate Network and the price just kept dropping.  I told John that we really should go look at it and see if it looked liked a fit to us.  The only drawback, it was in the town I said I didn't want to move to.  It was a cold snowy February day when we came to see it and the only sound we could hear was a lone snowmobile cruising around the pond.  The house wasn't completed and we found we could have it finished to our specs.  Sign me up!  I was hooked.

So here we are five years later and I think of all the things I wouldn't be doing if we hadn't moved to Barnstead.  And frankly I would be seriously missing out if I hadn't moved here.  Our life is a little more fulfilled living up here on this hill.  And yes I am wearing my firefighting mittens...couldn't find my running ones this morning.  Thankful I haven't pulled my winter stuff out of my gear bag yet!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Funday Friday

Today was a bittersweet day for the rehab department at work.  We said goodbye to our wonderful student who has been with us for the past 12 weeks during her Level II clinical.  But we also know she is now one step closer to becoming an Occupational Therapist.  I have been a practicing OT for the past 10 years and have had students for the last 7 years.  I made the decision early on in my career to become a fieldwork educator.  It's my way of giving back and here is the reason why...

I can remember sitting in Hewitt Hall back in 2000-2001 choosing where I wanted to go for my fieldworks.  Heading into late April, I believed I was all set.  I would be heading off in June for a spinal cord injury summer camp and then spending my fall at Crotched Mountain.  We had confirmations on both of my placements and I was excited.  Flash forward into early May, the school received a call from the summer camp saying that the previous OT had quit and the new one already had a student for the summer.  In a nutshell I was screwed.  Thankfully a very nice OT up in Berlin said I could come spend my summer with her doing inpatient psych.  Berlin??  Where the heck was that?  Oh it's up in the Great North Woods...up beyond Pinkham Notch.  I don't think I had ever been that far up in the state.  I was totally stressed.  I didn't want to do mental health and really didn't want to live in Berlin.  It was another country as far as I was concerned.  I toughed it out and it was one of the best summers I have ever had.

So once I got a job I decided that as long as I was living fairly close to the Durham campus I would offer up  my services and have take students.  And my students, all except for one, have been absolutely wonderful.  They are competent, caring, and compassionate young adults who are excited to learn and become solid entry level therapists.  And with this, I wish Alicia the best of luck as she heads out to her next clinical.  May she only have half of the fun she had with us.  And I hope her feet stay warm and cozy!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Kicking ass and taking names!

Someone say something about kicking ass?

I have had a very very productive day since I left work at 3pm.  I donated a pint of the red stuff to the American Red Cross and then hurried home to let the little dog out.  Then I charged off to the station to have my introduction into running a 5k crash course with last year's race director.  I had been nervous that we were behind the 8 ball and would have to run around to get back on course.  Alas I was wrong!  We are right on schedule and pending approval of the selectboard we are all systems go.  I had been very disappointed to learn Old Home Day was cancelled because having  race right down the road was a lot of fun to participate in.  Well I won't be participating this time, but the show will go on.

Since the cold weather has been making want to go back into hibernation...here is a shot of the waters off of Grand Turk.

Still feeling a lot like winter around here and so I have gotten all the supplies to start my next sweater.  The top down approach worked so well for me on my current project that I am all geared up to start another.  This one will be for John since I messed up his last sweater.  Went for a light gray which happens to be called "squirrel heather."  The name of the yarn makes me giggle!  Sometimes it really is the little things.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

WIP Wednesday

I am still feeling the effects of my super fun weekend!  I have huge bruises on the backs of both legs and they didn't really hurt until today.  Looks like my little red sled got the best of me.  But I would do it again tomorrow if I could.  We just need a little more snow than we got this morning!  

Finally finished the body of my sweater and the first sleeve.  Decided to forego the 3/4 sleeve in favor of a short  sleeve version.  According the ladies at work, it's the "in" thing.  And we all know that I am so in with the latest fashions!  They informed me that a snug little white long sleeve shirt underneath would look darling.  Okay well I will try anything once, twice if I like it.

Guess it's back to the grind so I can proudly show off my sweater once it's blocked.  Really I am just doing what I do best and procrastinating.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tuesday tidbits

The cold temps continue today and my daffs are on the verge of opening up.  Living up in Lakes Region means a slower start to the growing season than I am used to, but with the crazy warm weather we had last week everything started to open.  But it's New England and the extreme changes are what makes life interesting.  They say March comes in like a lion and leaves like a lamb, but not this year.  It came roaring in with snow and looks like it is going roaring out as well.  Although with the recent spring ahead it already feels very much like spring even though I am sitting by my fire!  It does look like we may be back into the 50s for the weekend.

The winds are not howling as much today as they were yesterday, but we still have dry conditions and yet another red flag warning day.  Got home too late yesterday to go play with a brush fire, but I needed to get in a long run so it all worked out in the end!  And tonight is knit night so I rarely let stuff interfere with that.  Knit night is my favorite evening of the week.  We meet at the Epsom Library for two hours of chatter and knitting.  It's a wonderful group of ladies and I actually get two hours of uninterrupted work.  Too many distractions at home of other things I need to get done!

Hoping for a successful bindoff of the body of my sweater then I will start on the sleeves.  Tried something new with this pattern and I never printed it out.  I saved paper and had it sent as a pdf to my kindle.  Only trouble is that I like to keep referencing my pattern and thus killed my battery pretty quickly.  I will print it eventually so it can go into my binder of projects, but for now this is working.  I just have to remember to toss my kindle into my knitting bag before I head out the door tonight.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Monday Musings

We went to see The Hunger Games last night with our dear friend Megan.  She worked on the film and was in the credits.  This is a huge deal and I am very very proud of her!  Thank you for inviting us to see the movie with you.  And you are still a cool aunt even if you do knit.

Back to the running grind today and what the heck happened to summer?  It was in the mid 30s at our house when I got home from work and the winds have been howling all day around here.  So I took to the treadmill...the dreaded dreaded treadmill.  I managed 6 painful miles  in 59 minutes before calling it quits today.  My heart just isn't in the indoor thing this time of year, but I was also providing station coverage so it wasn't too bad.  I take solace in the fact we have our first 5k this coming Saturday and I learned today that the last mile is uphill...bring it!

Finished a pair of baby booties for Sydney yesterday morning that I started when we were on vacation on Grand Turk a few weeks ago.  Also spent a good chunk of the day working on my pretty lacy cardigan.  I did have a moment of anxiety when I realized I made the sweater with superwash merino wool yarn.  I got worried about blocking it and if it would actually block correctly for me.  Yes, this is the stuff that keeps me up at night!  After a quick internet this am I learned that I should have no problem blocking each time I wash it.  It's just not going to felt on me.  Felting is bad when you do not want it.  I learned this the hard way this fall after my very pretty multicolored cowl went through the washing machine with our towels.  I didn't pay attention to the fiber I had made it with and assumed it was washable.  It came out half the size it went in and very stiff.  It's sitting upstairs while I decide it's fate.  It would make a fab purse for someone who was into that sort of thing.  Someday I will get over the fact that I can't use it as a cowl and turn it into something pretty.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Just Another Saturday

Yesterday was "ice out" on the Big Lake.  Lake Winnipesaukee that is.  Very early in the season for ice out to be declared.  Basically it means the M/S Mt. Washington can travel to all of her ports around the lake.  Temps started falling with a gusty breeze during the afternoon.  Spent my Friday evening cutting fireline with the fire explorers and finished up packing for the big trip today.  It was an off day from running because my legs needed some rest before hiking.

Got up early to head for the Whites specifically to Agiocohook which is the Native American word for Washington.  The first person to ever reach it's summit was Darby Field in 1642 and it wasn't until 210 years later that the Tip Top House was built on the summit.  Interestingly enough the Native Americans did not hike to the summits of our beautiful mountains because they believed that was where the great spirits lived and it was not wise to disturb the great spirits.  

I took my first spring trip up to Tuckerman's Ravine last spring and quite enjoyed the experience.  I actually enjoyed it more than summer hiking.  No bugs to deal with and no rocks to roll my already injury prone ankle on.   Except today we had very little snow and some ice to deal with along the way.  Lots of rocks and lots of bugs as well!  So with my new pack we set off for yet another adventure in Pinkham Notch.  

The weather started off overcast and we even had 10 seconds of sprinkles.  But once we got to HoJos the weather cleared up and we had sun for most of the afternoon.  We avoided the bowl of Tux due to the rapidly deteriorating conditions and potential ice falls.  We headed over to Hillman's highway and were rewarded with good conditions and fewer people.  I got to take my little red sled on it's maiden voyage and I was suddenly 10 years old again.  Remind me tomorrow when I can't move due my repeated trips up and down!  

All in all we had a wonderful day...except when Nancy and Janet wandered off and were gone for about 40 minutes.  Just as we were about to start loading their stuff into our packs, we received a text from Nancy that they had somehow managed to miss the trail link and were frolicking like otters in the snow.

My only regret of the day was that I didn't take my sled and ride down as far as I could on the Sherburne Trail.  Now that would've been EPIC!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Last day of summer (for now)

Today I am very thankful it's Friday.  My gas tank is on E this week and finally the weather is returning to normal.  My knitting has lagged this week and my running has lagged even more.  My legs feel like lead and my IT band is in my left leg is acting up.  I took my off day yesterday and enjoyed the afternoon weather from my lawn chair throwing the ball for the little dog.

Gearing up for our hike tomorrow.  The weather is should still be favorable during the day with showers tomorrow night.  Just like last year!  As was started last summer on Mt. Washington..."May the hike be with you."

My crocuses opened a day or so ago and are almost gone by!  The daffs are up and should open in the next week.

FYI - today is a red flag warning for most the state.  Be careful because I don't want to chase fires through the woods!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

This week has been dragging by.  I have a serious case of cabin fever or spring fever depending on what you want to call it.  Really about the only thing I want to do is sit in my backyard and read.  The weather has been almost too warm to run.  Last night was downright hot, but I am loving the light hanging around later into the evening.  In winter I easily get into hibernation mode.  I find that I come home from work and often feel like skipping out on exercise.  I love to sit by my fire and knit.  Once spring get here, we tend to eat later in the evening and spend as much time as we can outside playing with our little dog.

I noticed that the crocuses are up and in full bloom, but the poor rhododendron seems miserable without any rain.  We actually brought the garden hose out to water it tonight.  Yup feels like summer and yet it also feels like we will be in for it during April.  I mean we had a foot of snow on Halloween so I am not ruling out a heavy duty spring snow before all is said and done.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

WIP (work in progess) Wednesday

It's been a challenging week so far in my knitting world.  I mentioned I started a sweater over the week and the pattern looked simple to me.  It is simple if you can count and pay attention to what you are doing.  The pattern is worked over seven stitches and four rows.  My challenge on Monday evening was making sure I still have enough stitches at the end to complete the pattern.  I found myself miscounting row after row.  So I had to either add a few stitches or get rid of one or two.  I was beyond frustrated.  So instead of frogging all that I had done, I took it to knit night last night and just plugged away.  In two hours of knitting quietly surrounded by my fellow knitters I had not one error.  I decided a slight imperfection will not kill the project.  I just hope that once it is blocked it won't look so obvious since the the error is on the front near the buttonholes.  I am usually a perfectionist when it comes to my knitting, but need to start taking a more relaxed approach.

We have also been having some unusually warm weather here in New England this week.  It's making the afternoon runs very very uncomfortable.  I am not one to run with water, but today's run will include two water stops during my out and back.  The weather is supposed to change for the weekend and so our hike will not be so variable.  Got my little sled all ready to have some serious fun up on Tux!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday Musings

I am not sure why I waited until spring had sprung to start a sweater, but it's all good.  I am hard at work on a lovely purple heather cardigan.  I found the pattern on Ravely.  Ravelry is wonderful website for the fiber arts and is so full of inspiration to me. And it's creators happen to be UNH alums who graduated around the same time as me.  I have found so many patterns that I can't wait to try!  And the beautiful thing is...many are free!  I love bargains!  The yarn comes from a sweater I had put aside after I decided it wasn't going to ever fit me.  So I have been looking for a top down sweater that would use the amount of yarn I already had.  And it looks like I am going to have plenty of time during the upcoming week to work on it since I get to actually go to knit night on Tuesday.

Going to be a beautiful week for some afternoon runs as well.  I plan on continuing to keep increasing the miles as the weeks go on.  Sunday may be my off day in the upcoming week depending on I feel apres hiking. And I will be taking in the Hunger Games with my dear friend, Megan who worked on the production side of the movie.  So excited for her!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday Thoughts

I cannot believe it's March 18 and I am sitting outside in a lawn chair enjoying the day!  The weather to come this week is almost unheard of this time of year!  The weather coupled with the fact we had very little snowfall this winter is going to make the fire danger soar this spring.  I have to admit forestry is one of my favorite parts of the fire service.  I got my first experience with forestry right out of the fire academy and enjoyed every minute of trekking through the woods.  That year we had a very dry March and April and by the middle of April the winds had picked up and so did the fire danger.  Had my first forestry experience on Mount Major in the next town over.  I spent two days up on that mountain from the initial attack to several days later during mop up.  Mount Major happens to be the closest peak to our house and it's one of my favorite places to view the lake.  We almost always take visitors up because the views are spectacular in every direction.  I haven't been up since the day after Christmas.  This is Mt. Major in late spring!

Scout and I had an enjoyable six mile run this morning.  We did an out and back so we could have two water stops along the way.  What a lovely morning it was.  Perfect weather in the high 50s after the fog cleared.  I purposely waited until the fog was gone so I can have good visibility.  Now I can spend the afternoon either working on my latest knitting project or reading.  I am working on a lace cardigan sweater with yarn I frogged from another project.  I just hope I have enough because knitpicks.com doesn't offer that particular color anymore.

John is currently planning his annual trek up Mt. Washington to ski Tux.  I enjoy going along for the hike and it makes for a great day of cross training.  It also means I get to try out one of my Christmas presents!  Looks like we are going earlier this year because of the unusually warm weather.  I just hope that there is snow from the parking lot up because that makes hiking so much easier.  No rocks to roll your ankle on.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Town Meeting

Spent the majority of our day at town meeting.  This unique small town event is how we decide on our budget and major purchases for the year.  Items up for discussion was whether to enter into a contract with the county sheriff to provide police services for the town.  After much debate, we voted via secret ballot and the town's people had their say.  They overwhelmingly voted no for the loss of local control.  Overheard after the vote was read was a former selectman telling the sheriff how misinformed the taxpayers are and we are just like trying to herd cats to get us to make the right choice.  I think we did make the right choice, local management and local control are going to stay like it is  Remind me of this when he tries to run for office again.  It will then be time to start a letter writing campaign to make sure the other taxpayers know what he thinks of us.

In other good news, Barnstead Fire Rescue will be getting a shiny new GREEN tanker to replace a 1954 tanker.  We tend to keep things for a very long time here.  Yes it's still running and yes it's still in service!  The chief will also be getting a new command vehicle.  All in all a good day for our little fire department.

Thankfully the weather also cooperated and I didn't feel like I was spending the a nice day inside.  Tomorrow it's supposed to be wonderful weather...a wonderful morning for a run!  Then I can spend the rest of the afternoon throwing the ball outside for the little dog and finishing Following Atticus.  Excellent book that has me laughing out loud on one page and sobbing my way through the next.  Makes me want to take to the mountains with the little dog and get some hiking in!  The picture above is from Crawford Notch last fall...the last peak of our day on a 10+ mile hike!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Save the DATE!

Made contact with the director of last year's Barnstead Old Home Day 5k.  Old Home Day has already been cancelled this year due to lack of volunteers, but the race was a big hit and should be an annual event.  So the Barnstead Firefighters Association is looking into hosting it this summer.  Save the date for Aug 25.  We are in the preliminary stages, but it will be full steam ahead once we get the selectmen's approval.  I look forward to putting together my first 5k! It's going to be a morning run and will be followed by a pancake breakfast that will be open to anyone!  It's a flat out and back 5k course along the Parade as it winds along the Suncook River.  Great family run too!

The little dog and I have been on two runs together this week.  We have been forced from our normal loop due to pudding thick mud that is well over 8 inches deep in some spots.  Yay for living on a dirt road that is poorly maintained.  I actually witnessed two vehicles get stuck yesterday in the mess.  One call to the road agent and the problem is being worked on. The little dog looks much better white than she does half brown.

Today she got all excited when we pulled into the fire station.  It's one of our favorite spots in town. And she has learned that if she goes inside she just may get a cookie or at the very least some attention.  She was not disappointed, but quickly informed them not to ever confuse a pretzel for a cookie.  We were quickly off on our run and made some good time today.  Having some IT band issues around my left knee, but hopefully that will work itself out with rolling and stretching.  I do have new sneakers so that may be the problem until they are broken in and my legs are used to them.  

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Happy Pi day!

So town elections are over and done with.  The 70 degree temps are gone, but supposed to return for the weekend.  Today is raw and chilly, a sit by the fire and knit type of night.  Even skipped out on running!  And  I have con ed at Concord Hospital tonight and that will be my excuse for slacking off.  Two free hours of continuing education and the topics are interesting.  Tonight is Firefighter safety and cyanide poisoning.  A serious topic for firefighters because it is a deadly byproduct of structural firefighting.  

Our homes are loaded with crap...plastics, chemicals, paint, and the list goes on.  I sit here at my kitchen table and shudder as I look around the room.   A little knowledge is dangerous!  Not only is there considerable fireload in our homes, but its the hidden dangers of incomplete combustion that will get you.  We surround ourselves with synthetic materials to make our lives simpler and yet when broken down by fire can cause serious harm and even death.  More on my firefighting endeavors in future posts.

As for the Pi reference in my title...I got nothing!  Geometry was probably my least favorite class of high school.  

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tales from Tuesday

Today is election day in our small town.  We vote for our local government officials and planning board warrant articles.  There is something unique about the way a small town operates.  I wish more people of our town understood how important it is for everyday citizens to get out and make their voices heard.  If you don't participate in this process you really can't complain how things will run for the next year. And the best thing about local government is that it doesn't matter which party you prefer.  A good town official is someone who comes into it without a personal agenda and serves the town in a way that is ethical and fiscally responsible.

Town meeting will be held on Saturday morning.  31 warrant articles this year...we plan on being there most of the day.  It's a bring your lunch, your knitting and sit back and try not to assault any of your neighbors for being stupid kind of event!  All kidding aside we have two important warrant articles that deserve attention.  One being a merger with the Belknap County Sheriff's department to provide police services for our town and the second being a new tanker for BFR.  There are several other important articles that concern the fire department  and hopefully those will pass as well.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday Musings...

I received a Garmin Forerunner 405CX for Christmas.  It has been a wonderful addition to my outdoor running.  I am competitive by nature and now I compete against myself or a virtual partner each time out the door.  I keep track of where I have been and if I need to add some distance I can easily look down and adjust as needed.  Used it recently on vacation to keep track of biking mileage that we completed each day.  It's a little bulkier than I wanted, but I have learned to love it. So today was the first day I used it without a heavy shirt on underneath.  The weather was absolutely perfect with temps in the mid 60s and a slight breeze.  Cannot believe we had snow just two days ago.  Such is late winter in New Hampshire!  Going to have to change out straps because my little wrist is much too small for the watchband.

I also took the little dog on my run today.  Having not run with me in a few weeks, she did wonderfully.  Only a few barks at the scary pitbull who lives down on the Parade.  She is a great running buddy as she keeps me going and doesn't have a whole lot to say.  She would take the tennis ball if I let her, but she has enough distractions as it is.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday thoughts

Springing ahead...to me it means more time to be outside in the afternoon.  It also means changing the batteries in the smoke detectors and CO detectors (my PSA for the day).

I have tried running in the early morning and just cannot do it.  I am a morning person, but not when it comes to exercise.  On weekend I enjoy the quiet of the early morning to do a little knitting and have my cup of tea.  I'll get out the door in a bit, but I savor those minutes.  Those sneakers have seen many miles, but it's too muddy to break out this year's first pair.

I have several races in the near future.  March 31 kicks off my running season.  We start with the first race in the Capital Area Race Series (CARS) over in Gilmanton.  A little tidbit about Gilmanton, it's setting for the controversial novel, Peyton Place.  The author's home is now a small winery.  It's only a 5k, but the location screams hills!  Ok most of where I run screams hills, but oh the views from the top.  Makes me grateful of where we settled.  I have never done a series before so it should be fun.  We will be doing 6 of the 7 races.  May 12 in Canterbury is out because we are doing the Big Lake Half that morning.  More on Big Lake later.

My needles have been busy this weekend...continuing on with some socks.  I am in a destashing mode.  Clearing out the yarn one project at a time.  Should take me most of the year to get through the build up I have.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Today I start my journey into a new venture.  I read blogs all the time, but only recently decided to give it a try. A new creative outlet that I can dabble with.  My run this morning was a peaceful one as we had a new fallen snow that silenced the woods around me.  Had to take it slow because of slippery conditions, but it was wonderful to be out in the warm sun and the gentle breeze rolling off the Suncook River.  I am back home and this is where I belong.

On my little wooden needles is the mate to an already completed sock and a baby boot that needs to be finished.

And so begins my journey....