Started with the Food Network's kitchen sink cookies which were a bit of a disappointment. Way to squishy for my liking...they seemed like they were lacking something and on paper they sounded great. They had dried cherries, apricots, oatmeal and dark chocolate chunks...I mean yum! But really weren't worth the effort of chopping everything up. The next recip I tried was a chicken salad with tostadas. The World Wide Web redeemed itself with this one. Restored my faith that good recipes actually exist out there. In all seriousness I use the Internet for recipes all of the time, but those are usually things I have tried before.
The next brilliant idea I found on Pinterest. With a teething baby in the house who chews on his fingers nonstop, I needed to figure out a way to give him relief. He can't have ice so I looked for some other option. Enter breast milk Popsicles. I make pops for myself all summer so why not do the same for the baby. I bought tiny molds on amazon and filled them with good old fashioned boob juice. He loved them!
I still have a bunch of recipes waiting to be tried, but with all of our weeknight activities they will have to wait until the weekend. And who knows what I will find next because you know I will be searching and scouring in my free moments. And yes I know those free moments should be spent finishing up my many WIPs that are sitting on my coffee table...three to be exact.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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