So here I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of Baby Savage. In reality I am bored out of my mind. I am not someone who sits around easily and really there is only so much knitting, reading, and napping one can take. I worked right up until my due date and beyond. I fully expect to be back in the rehab room again tomorrow. I miss my favorite winter activities....snowshoeing, cross country skiing and I even miss running in the cold with the snot freezing down my face. Ahhh in just a few weeks I should be able to get out and start finally enjoying this season.
What am I knitting you wonder. It is the year of stash busting at Chez Savage so I am finishing up a pair of socks for John and yesterday I managed to put legs and the head on Baby Savage's bunny. Not so sure about my sewing skills to get the critter's ears and arms on, but that is why I have John.
What am I reading you ask. Well right now I am reading Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. I am over halfway through it and am still not sure if I like it. Some of my friends who use Goodreads have read it and it was available through my library.
As for napping, it hasn't been until this past week or so that I find I need to lay down when I get home from work. It's as much for edema control as it is for rest. My water intake has been great and that has made a lot of difference. I am thankful it is one of my favorite beverages or otherwise I would be in trouble. But I have a new habit and that has been constantly crunching on ice. It's bordering on full out addiction. I just cannot get enough. I did read somewhere that ice crunching is a sign of anemia, but I am eating plenty of iron rich foods as well as taking my dietary supplements.
I guess my time out from knitting is over and I need to get back to my yarn bowl. I am halfway down with the second sock and other balls of yarn are itching to be placed in the bowl for the next projects.
Note: I was having trouble getting my iPad and blogger to connect so I decided to put then blog down and walk away. Well life has sure changed since January 20 when I originally tried to post this. The socks are done and obviously we have a baby. There is a new project on my sticks and more waiting in the wings. I already have to make him some new hats because his head was a bigger than I anticipated and brrr it's been cold here in Barnstead.
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