I finally got out to run yesterday morning and started early in the am before the temps started to warm too much. I had a great pace going at 9:20 min/mile until I hit my second mile. I could feel my mojo coming back and this seemed fun. Until suddenly I had this snarling, barking, growling pit bull chasing me down the road. The kicker was that the door to the house was open and several vagrant looking children were playing in the yard. Ever hear of coming out to check why your kids are yelling and your dog is freaking out? Although this is the same house where I once saw a small boy of about two left unattended and wandering in the road so maybe they just don't care. They definitely get my "Parents of the Year" award. And while out on my early morning runs I usually encounter a Barnstead police cruiser at least once in my travels. Yeah no such luck Saturday morning. So I will give the homeowner a reprieve this once...next time not so much.
And this being just one of the several junkyard dogs down on this stretch of road so I am always on the side of caution. More often than not they are all tied up or fenced in their yards and they just bark a lot. I was just thankful that I didn't have Scout with me because she does not take kindly to being chased by another dog and doesn't realize that she is a mere 15 pounds of fur. Not really a match for a pit bull.
Thanks to another firefighter in our town who happened to be outside his garage when I walked (notice I was not running anymore) by because the damn dog was still nipping at my heels. He offered to give me a ride home and I politely thanked him, but I still had 5-6 miles to cover. So he ran interference while I continued on my way. I never did regain my pace because I tackled some serious hills. I made it to my water stop at mile 6 and decided to buy a new fuel belt yesterday. The rising temperatures and warmer sun have made it necessary that I start carrying some water with me on my long days.
And I have to send out congratulations to Phoebe and family on the birth of their baby boy yesterday. She can be found here on the interweb and I am looking forward to hearing about her new adventures with baby as she gets back to running.
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