Happy national running day! How did you celebrate? We did a family run after dinner. I had hemmed and hawed all day. It was a cold dreary day here in New Hampshire. And it was a non-running day for me since I had run yesterday afternoon. I could come up with a million excuses if you want me to. Oh and I had bacon for dinner...there was no way I could run after eating bacon! But John thought a quick three miles sounded like a good idea. And We did 3.18 in 30:06. Rock on!
Goals for 2014: 500 miles, sub 25 min 5k and sub 2 hour half.
Mileage to date is 280.77 and with several long races in my future to train for I should hit that by October. Fastest 5k has been 27:20 and my last half fell short by 9:51. My goals are within striking distance, but seem so lofty!
My biggest goal is to stay healthy and so far that has been ok. I have been plodding along with two bouts of strep, a nagging knee pain, and lately my calves have been grumbling at me since I changed up my gait.
So here's to a great second half of 2014. Looking forward to what the second half will bring. New races, new challenges, and a fancy new pair of running sneakers!
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