I finally began training for my next half. In reality I just started running again after a week of an upset stomach that was followed by a week of really ad allergies/and perhaps a touch of Grayson's cold. I didn't work out and I didn't knit.
Now that I am feeling better, we have started to get back into our groove. Softball has us on Monday nights and then the rest of the week is ours. But the weather in the past week has been warm and humid. I sweat just thinking about going for a run.
Yesterday we didn't workout, but knocked out the painting on the basement. Thankfully my parents and John's mom came up to help. My mom watched the baby and the rest of us managed to get the whole thing done in one day. Never did we think we would get it completed in one day, but we did and got to enjoy our Sunday.
Today was spent getting spit up on and playing with the baby. He is so much more interactive these days and we are really enjoying his budding personality. He loves his exersaucer which we jokingly refer to as his command post. He spins around in it playing with the different toys like it's his job. I love watching him grow and develop every day.
I have also managed some serious knitting this weekend. I am more than half done my lace wrap and almost half done on a sock yarn snake for the little guy. I have so many projects to get done in the coming month...I want to finish my wrap and start the drop stitch scarf. Both items will be perfect to dress up my favorite outfits.
And we got the laundry done! Now it's back to the old grind, but one week to go until vaca. Been back at work three months...it's definitely time to enjoy my little family for a week.
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one girl's ventures of running and knitting her way through life
"once you find the life you love, you have to find the courage to live it." ~John Irving
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
It's only Tuesday and I have already crammed more into the last two days than I normally do in a week. First off I had scheduled a Fed Ex pickup for Monday morning for my first milk donation. Fed ex auto confirmed that they would be there between 730 and 530. Got home around 4pm and two boxes of keep frozen perishable breast milk are still sitting on my front steps where they have sat all day baking in the hot sun. A call to customer service was not at all helpful and when I got back from my 530 meeting the boxes were still there. I started fretting and started to unpack the boxes which were still completely frozen. Yay for styrofoam! Got up early today and filled the boxes up again. John dropped them off at fed ex for me and I haven't even made a dent in the milk supply.

We finally got out for our run at 645 pm and it was smooth sailing. What a beautiful evening along the Suncook River as we did our out and back. The sun was setting and a gentle breeze was blowing off the water. I have shaved off almost three minutes since last Monday on the same 4.33 miles
Our late run and even later dinner made it a late night before I even sat down to knit. One row in and I had my first mistake. Damn, but hoping it doesn't show. It's lace and very loose lace at that. I really really don't want to frog it. So just going to plow ahead and forge on.
Then my little buddy slept until 0430 this morning and did not see any point in going back to bed. Now it's just about dinner time and I could use a nap! Will be an early night for this lady!
We finally got out for our run at 645 pm and it was smooth sailing. What a beautiful evening along the Suncook River as we did our out and back. The sun was setting and a gentle breeze was blowing off the water. I have shaved off almost three minutes since last Monday on the same 4.33 miles
Our late run and even later dinner made it a late night before I even sat down to knit. One row in and I had my first mistake. Damn, but hoping it doesn't show. It's lace and very loose lace at that. I really really don't want to frog it. So just going to plow ahead and forge on.
Then my little buddy slept until 0430 this morning and did not see any point in going back to bed. Now it's just about dinner time and I could use a nap! Will be an early night for this lady!
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Summer is here!
Last weekend it felt like winter had returned and now we are in full fledged summer mode. The air conditioner has been put in the window and the curtains are drawn to keep the sun out. The temps have been in the 90s and that means getting out the door super early to run before it gets too hot. And even then it felt too early to be out there. Thankfully we had a line of thunderstorms roll through late on Sunday to cool it back to seasonable temps. Grayson managed to enjoy an afternoon nap snuggled on me.
I am definitely a middle of the road person when it comes to exercise outside in the warmer weather. During the week I feel like I get up early enough as it is since the baby still doesn't consistently make it through the night. And often after work I have a ton of things to get done when I get home from work. It just doesn't leave a lot of time in my day.
But in a few more weeks it will be no more excuses...I have committed to a half marathon in October and I will have to serious training to avoid injury and actually enjoy myself come race day.
The warmer temps did mean I could actually have an excuse to sit inside and do some knitting. I finished up a pair of socks and casted on what will be a linen lace wrap. I splurged and spent way more on the yarn than I have in years. Not only will it be pretty, but I can also say I made it myself. I take pride in my handiwork and I love wearing my stuff.
I am definitely a middle of the road person when it comes to exercise outside in the warmer weather. During the week I feel like I get up early enough as it is since the baby still doesn't consistently make it through the night. And often after work I have a ton of things to get done when I get home from work. It just doesn't leave a lot of time in my day.
But in a few more weeks it will be no more excuses...I have committed to a half marathon in October and I will have to serious training to avoid injury and actually enjoy myself come race day.
The warmer temps did mean I could actually have an excuse to sit inside and do some knitting. I finished up a pair of socks and casted on what will be a linen lace wrap. I splurged and spent way more on the yarn than I have in years. Not only will it be pretty, but I can also say I made it myself. I take pride in my handiwork and I love wearing my stuff.
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