"once you find the life you love, you have to find the courage to live it." ~John Irving

Friday, November 30, 2012

It's never too late...

Life has caught up with me again and I realized I stopped posting what I am thankful for since November 11, 2012.  It's been a busy few weeks at Chez Savage and I will finally finish up since it's the last day of November.

12. Thankful for the warm little dog who stretches out between us in bed every night.
13. For my love of sticks and string...been hard at work on baby creations and last minute Christmas gifts.
14. For my co-workers (especially my work wife).
15. That my cat has finally come to see the light and actually pretends to like me most of the time.
16. For online shopping...it's been the best this year!
17. For a comfy bed and body pillows...don't ask me to stay anywhere else in the upcoming weeks cause there is no place like home!
18. For my friends who write blogs...I love reading them!
19. For the hand me downs...
20. For pedicures (can't even imagine trying to reach my toes).
21. My reliable vehicle (even though one tire has been losing air all week).
22. That my Christmas gifts actually made it to Sicily well before the holiday.
23. Good books
24. Good homemade food
25. Good friends
26. That each weekend the basement is closer to being done
27. For great craft ideas...will be getting my glue gun out later!
28. For all the places I have been lucky enough to visit.
29. The smells of each season we get to experience here in New Hampshire
30.  Lastly, I am thankful for a good health (even though I have sounded like crap for the last two weeks) and good pregnancy...things are about to change very drastically in our little world in the upcoming weeks.  I look forward to this exciting ride!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

November 11, 2012

Today is Veteran's Day in the United States.  It is also known as Armistice Day, the day that hostilities ended during World War I and it is also General Patton's birthday.  In Great Britain they are celebrating Remembrance Day or Poppy Day.  This is the first Veteran's Day that there are no more veterans left from World War I.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have served and continue to serve this country to keep us safe and protected.  And I leave you with this....

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
      Between the crosses, row on row,
   That mark our place; and in the sky
   The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
   Loved and were loved, and now we lie
         In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
   The torch; be yours to hold it high.
   If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
         In Flanders fields.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

# 9 and no it's not Ted Williams!

Today I am thankful for our first snow a couple of days ago.  I love waking up to a blanket of white even if it didn't last very long.  It sure was pretty and I look forward to month of waking up to winter wonderland!  And I cannot wait to share it with Baby Savage.  John and I have such a love of winter and the many hobbies we partake of during that season.

Then on Saturday...I am thankful that I live in a wonderful small town.  We have been here almost 6 years and have met great people and neighbors.  I love that one of my co-workers thinks that I have become a townie.  It is so much like the town I grew up in without the rich snotty factor.  It's nice to go into the little stores around here and see at least one person I know each time.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Onto November 7th and 8th

Yay the election is over and with it go all the nasty political ads and rhetoric.  Voting day went off without a hitch here and the press is already discussing who will run in the midterm elections.  Seriously can't we have a month or two off???  Now onto my thankful stuff....

7.  I am thankful for my two jobs and that I enjoy going to work at each of them.  I work with wonderful people at both of them and I am happy to be a part of each work family.  I have been in my current skilled nursing facility for the last 6 1/2 years.  It's the longest I have ever worked at one place.  Guess that says something, either that or I am too lazy to get my resume updated!  Just kidding, I really do like going to work every day.   My other job at the fire department is an outlet for the other job.  It is so different and unpredictable from what I do during my "day" job.  I love my fire family and even though we can be as dysfunctional as a real family, I mean who else wholeheartedly has your back in dangerous situations and then slams you the second you get back to the station??  Just like real family!

8.  Feeling very crafty these days, I am thankful for my love of sticks and string.  I love creating wearable art.  And I know John loves my craft because he wears his socks almost every day during colder weather.  Gives me a reason to keep on knitting when I see his little toes being warmed by my creations.  I love sitting down for a few hours each evening to knit away while I watch TV.  And I love when a project finally comes together after months of working on it.  Lately I have taken to small projects that only require a few days to finish them.  I have a sweater on some needles, but can't even remember where I left off so I will probably frog it and start over again after the baby gets here.  Can't wear it now anyways since it's a wrap sweater.  But it could look nice next spring!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Still feeling thankful (5 and 6)

Tuesday is here and I am ready to post again...I know twice in one week...seriously I haven't had a lot of down time in my life as of late.  Last week we felt the outer bands of Hurricane Sandy on Monday and even though John was out of town...I was crazy busy and I will be this week as well.  I am trying to tie up loose ends before Baby Savage gets here.  At the top of my list, I need to get my EMT refresher put to bed.  Once those hours are in, I can worry about the rest of it after he arrives, but at least my recert will be complete.

5.  I am very thankful that our family and friends in NY and NJ all came out relatively unscathed from the storm last week.  Our plan is to head down there in two weeks to Asbury Park as we do each year for the annual holiday soiree at the store.  For me this year means sitting around knitting and not supplying free labor.  My cankles really aren't up to hours standing around decorating Christmas trees.  But it is always a great time and a great way to ease into the upcoming holiday season.

6.  I am thankful that the election is finally here and I can finally stop listening to all the negativity put forth by those running for public office.  There needs to be some serious reform when it comes to political ads and I personally think they should only be able to talk about themselves and their platform instead of bashing who they are running against.  And I even got a snazzy parking cone out of the deal...one more thing I probably won't live down for a few years!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

I am thankful for....(the first four days)

There are quite a few people I know who are taking time each day to list the things that they are thankful for during this month of November.  I plan on doing mine in chunks because lately I am a spaceshot and I would forget to do this each day.

1.  I am thankful for my husband who has been spending each weekend getting our little home ready for Baby Savage.  Each Sunday when he could be off hiking, he and my father tackle another step in finishing our basement.  We are up to the electrical work so it's coming along.  And I can tell you exactly where the bathrooms are located at each home improvement store in our area!

2.  I am definitely thankful for my parents.  Dad has been here every weekend since his retirement helping the basement along and Mom has made sure I have warm outer clothes to wear as I keep getting bigger and bigger.  I am going to be looking like the red version of the Michelin man in my "new" winter coat.  Now I won't freeze on our way into the hockey games in the upcoming months.  I did look longingly at my pretty red peacoat, but there is no way I am squeezing into that anytime soon.

3.  I am very thankful that I have had an uneventful and uncomplicated pregnancy so far.  Baby Savage is doing somersaults as I write this.  He is growing fast and my glucose test was negative.  Guess that means I don't have give up my nightly dose of ice cream.  I did have my first braxton hicks contractions the other night on our way home from the car accident in Pittsfield.  He either liked riding in the ambulance or that was just a little more excitement than he is used to.

4.  I am thankful for my snug little home as the temperatures start their downward trek.  Glad for our new construction and super efficient home.  Even though we haven't turned on the heat yet, we have been running our gas fireplace from time to time to keep the chill out.

Well that takes care of the first four days of the month...